Friday, August 21, 2015

12 Stomach Flu Is A Common Stomach and Intestines Infection

Gastroenteritis virus, also known as stomach flu is a common stomach and intestines infection. It’s the second most common disease met in American family and causes about 50,000 hospitalizations per year. The virus can be transferred from food of infected person and spread from one person to another through plate, food, and water which made this virus highly spread and disease can be happened if you lazy to wash your hand or do sterilization in Public facility. Stomach flu symptoms commonly found in school, hospital, long term treatment facility, jails, dormitory, and sailor ship.

Virus which caused stomach flu symptoms are rotavirus, Norovirus, adenovirus, saporvirus and astrovirus. Rotavirus is virus which mostly involved in this disease. Gastroenteritis caused endemic in babies and pupils. Norovirus (Norwalkvirus) causes 90% of Gastroenteritis disease. It’s not true about influenza virus implication related with this infection.

Stomach Flu signed

This Gastroenteritis virus is signed by intense muscle aches, cramps, and fever before nausea, pain in stomach, vomit, and/or diarrhea. Vomit and diarrhea are the most common symptom met. While nausea and stomachache also followed by vomit and diarrhea. It sometimes causes people feel so exhausted and dry because energy in our body involved in effort to clean our body from virus. Person who suffered this can also lose their body fluid because of vomit and diarrhea. The symptoms started one or two days after got infected and the last 1-10 days, depended on virus involved.

Gastroenteritis virus treatment included takes a rest and drink analgesics-hydration. Tylenol can also be used to treated fever and muscle clamps by add some water or electrolyte rehydration solution oral drink (glucose and electrolyte) are important to avoid dehydration when replacing fluids, ready to change volume and electrolyte such as sodium, chloride, hydrogen and potassium. Water as hydration helps to replace volume, but if it is too much giving without electrolyte changing which the important ion concentrate would be decreasing and metabolism / electrolyte would cause imbalance in our body. Dehydration should be avoided. Electrolyte drink will be so important to protect against hyponatremia. Sports drink would fill this requirement.

Someone has to drink enough fluid to keep them save from dehydration. Proper hydration is important for younger (baby), old, weak and immunocompromised. Their body is in pressure and stomach flu can influence their body. They should recover their body by water because vomit and diarrhea could drain their body.

If dehydration happened, normal balance body fluid would be disturbed and has potential to abnormal electrolyte (sodium, potassium, hydrogen, bicarbonat, and chloride) can be happened. Abnormal electrolyte could influence nerves, cardiovascular, system related with lungs, kidney, etc. Dehydration can be seen from dry mouth, defecate, which would let your child to distribution such disease.

Although someone may get tempted to use anti-diarrhea (imodium) and anti-vomit (phenergan) medicine, this medicine type is not suggested along this time. It would be better to let body’s defense mechanism for defense function.

This Gastroenteritis virus can be stopped by washing your hand after eating and using bathroom and also contact with infected food. Balanced diet and taking supplement which is able to raise body immunity can also prevent Gastroenteritis virus.

The disease which has medical name viral gastroenteritis could attack your child when he/she consume contaminated food or drink. Stomach flu will make your children vomit and diarrhea.

If your child get infected with stomach flu, don’t give him/her diarrhea medicine except your doctor suggest so, because diarrhea medicine will cause children harder to elminiate the virus causes. In addition of diarrhea medicine, milk processing products can also be used for stomach flu sufferer. Keep your children so they won’t get dehydration.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4 What is the treatment of viral gastroenteritis

treatment viral gastroenteritis
Viral gastroenteritis is often called the "stomach flu." However a swelling or inflammation of the stomach lining due to viral contamination. Infection often results in vomiting and diarrhea.

Viral gastroenteritis can affect one person or group of people who have consumed the same type of food or drinking water contaminated with the virus. Stomach flu is a major cause of severe diarrhea in both adults and children.

The symptoms of stomach flu occurring in 4 to 48 hours after viral infection.

The most common complaints are:

stomach pain;
nausea and vomiting;
muscle and joint pain.

One of the serious complications of stomach flu is the development of dehydration. Your body needs fluids to function normally. Dehydration can be caused by vomiting, abnormal urination or sweating hard. In viral gastroenteritis combination of diarrhea and vomiting can cause dehydration.

Signs of dehydration are:

excessive thirst;
dry mucous membranes;
decreased urine output, which is highly concentrated;
extreme fatigue.

The goal of treatment for stomach flu is to prevent the development of dehydration by submitting enough fluid to cover losses. Fluids and minerals that are lost through diarrhea and vomiting should be restored by infusions of appropriate solutions or fluid intake by mouth.

The first few days after an illness of viral gastroenteritis intake should be limited to avoid heavy and difficult to digest foods that can worsen the condition of patients. After a gradual recovery can begin gradually to supply normal diet. It is advisable to avoid dairy products, alcohol and caffeine until your recovery.

Viral gastroenteritis usually passes in a few days and does not require any serious treatment. Children are more susceptible to dehydration and may require hospitalization for several days to restore fluid balance.

If your diarrhea lasts more than a few days or signs of dehydration is imperative to consult a doctor. You should consult a doctor and some of the following symptoms:

bloody diarrhea
confusion and dizziness
lack of urination for more than 8 hours.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

2 What are Natural Flu Remedies?

Unfortunately, the flu season is upon us and there’s nothing that we can do about that. There are plenty of people who get the flu and then there are many who do not. There are plenty of ways to keep you from getting the swine flu or any flu bug this year using natural methods, including natural flu remedies.

The most important thing you can do is to boost how your body fights off infections. That means to boost your immune system. When your body is in the best shape that it is in, it can easily fight off infections. One of the easiest natural ways is to take Vitamin C. It can be found in many different foods and drinks these days. Citrus fruits used to be the common foods to eat or drink as a way to get your vitamin C. Now, you can also get it in the cereals you eat, boosted orange juice, milk and even yogurt. There are lots of foods that companies put additional vitamin C into these days.

My favorite of all natural flu remedies is Echinacea. It is used as by many homeopathic companies as a way to boost one’s immunity and to provide a shield against colds. It has also been known to reduce any symptoms that you might experience, if you already have a cold or flu. And, it can help reduce the duration of your cold.

The best way to keep your own cold or virus from spreading is to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. It used to be a common thing taught by parents and school teachers. Putting your hand over your mouth is good, but putting a Kleenex over your nose and mouth is even better. This is especially true because it covers a larger portion of your mouth and nose than just your hand.

Sleep is one thing that many of us don’t get much of these days. Believe it or not, sleep is one of the most important things to keep us from being susceptible to colds, viruses and the swine flu. It’s because a good amount of sleep helps to repair our bodies and build up our immune system. Sleep will also reduce our stress level which helps to keep our immune system strong.

Most people also do not get enough exercise. It is a fact that exercise brings about a healthy body and as well boosts our immune system. Not only that but there also other great benefits, such as reducing asthma, obesity and diabetes.

No one likes bees, but bee pollen or honey is a natural remedy as well as an immune system builder as well.

And, of course, the age old adage – wash your hands. Our parents told us to do so, our schools teach us this and so does every public broadcast. By washing our hands properly we reduce the chance that we will pick up or even propagate any germs such as the swine flu or H1N1. The best thing to do in this case is to wash for a good 15 to 20 seconds and cover the entire surface of your hand.

There are many more natural flu remedies to fight the flu this season, but the best way is certainly through prevention.

Monday, January 12, 2015

0 How to stop stomach flu

stomach flu treatment
What happens ín cases of stomach flu ínclude írrítatíon and ínflammatíon of many parts of your gastroíntestínal tract.  Thís can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other uncomfortable stomach flu symptoms.  If you aren’t able to take ín enough fluids, ít can also lead to dehydratíon.  Thís ís partícularly true of young chíldren.
Because so many thíngs can cause ít, you should contact your doctor.  You wíll be gíven ínstructíons about what to look for, what to do and when to come ín for a check up.  The elderly and young chíldren may need to be seen ríght away to avoíd secondary problems such as dehydration.
Now, as to how to get over ít.  In most cases, tíme ís the only answer.  You may need supportíve care, but most thíngs you have to swallow wíll probably not stay ín long enough to do any good.  Thís ís especíally true íf nausea and vomiting are part of the equatíon.
You should ask your doctor ín advance what to have on hand ín case you or someone ín your famíly develop thís condítíon.  Most pedíatrícíans recommend that parents keep oral rehydration fluids avaílable at all tímes.  These are readíly avaílable wíthout a prescríptíon.

In the títle of thís artícle, the questíon was asked “can garlic kíll the stomach flu.”  In a word, no.  It would also be unwíse to take garlíc íf you have any sort of gastrointestinal inflammation or ínflammatíon, as ít could make the sítuatíon worse.  Garlíc may have some antívíral functíons, but the írrítatíon ít causes after ingestíon wíll be a hundred tímes worse.
Oatmeal ís one.  Íf there ís no nausea or vomiting, try eating a bowl of plaín oatmeal wíthout mílk or cream.  Do so slowly, as your body ísn’t goíng to want a lot of stuff híttíng the stomach quíckly.
Lícoríce ís another possíbílíty, but care has to be taken wíth ít.  If you are diabetic, use DGL tablets, as there ís a large quantíty of sugar ín thís root.  Also, íf you have hígh blood pressure, don’t use ít at all.  Thís remedy should not be gíven to young chíldren.
Sports’ drínks could be vítal to preventíng dehydratíon.  These were desígned to gíve athletes an edge duríng sportíng events and could help you keep your electrolytes balanced.  They usually contaín a lot of sugar, so ask the doctor before begínníng to use them.

It ís a good ídea to talk to your doctor or your chíld’s pedíatrícían at the fírst sígn of thís condítíon.  Make sure the doctor knows of any pre-exístíng medícal condítíons as well as any medícatíons/supplements you are on.  Thís can help you avoíd any síde effects or drug/herb ínteractíons.

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